Providing a safer and more enjoyable sailing experience for you and your
First Mate.
The PowerTiller™ Gen III
Key Benefits
Easy to Access –
Controls where you need them – on the tiller handle.
Simple to Operate –
One control point can provide Start, Shift, Throttle control, Stop, MOB and motor steering function - ON YOUR BOAT TILLER!
Simple to Install –
No through hulls required – Screw, Bolt or Clamp the PowerTiller to your tiller.
More ROOM in the Cockpit! –
The PowerTiller moves out of the way with your tiller. When at the dock or swinging on your anchor your entire cockpit is available for sitting, lounging or entertaining without interference from the motor controls. NO MORE TRIPPING over controls.
Quality –
Quality components designed to last in the harsh marine environment. Strong yet lightweight construction. Made from renewable resources
Familiarity –
Has the familiar operation of pedestal mounted controls. One control for Shifting and a second for Throttle. A multifunction key switch rounds out the base system. Add Simple Steering for responsive directional control in tight spots.
The PowerTiller™ in Action
Generation III video is here!
These videos also display our older generation PowerTiller's in Action.
We hope you will take the time to look at our truly unique sailing products and
solutions. We believe you will find at least one that will make your sailing
experience safer and more enjoyable for both you the Captain and
your First Mate.History
Seabird Systems™ (formally PowerTiller™) was founded in April of 2004 for the purpose of filling the special needs of sailors who trailer sail or sail any tiller steered boat. We chose this market because we believe it is under served and many of the products available to tiller boat sailors are a rough compromise at best. Our goal is to make tiller boat sailing at least as safe and easy as sailing larger boats without the big boat expense.
Our Mission
To make your sailing experience safer and more enjoyable by providing systems designed to simplify boat handling for the novice and experienced sailor alike.
The PowerTiller™ by Seabird Systems™ was designed and built to last. We use parts made from renewable resources and precision aircraft grade cables for flexibility, strength, and weather toughness with UV resistant surfaces.
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© Seabird Systems 2021